Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tips on avoiding common WSF/PHP installation issues.

Here are some useful tips avoid common fit falls in installing WSF/PHP.

1. Often users complain that When the run the sample clients, they see the response

"ERROR, WS Client not Found'.

This is often due not setting the wsf.home entry not being set correctly. Make sure to set wsf.home directory to point to wsf_c  directory if your are on windows or using pecl installation with WSF/C library installed separately.

Another reason for this is not adding the wsf_c/lib directory to PATH environment variable if you are on a windows system.

2.  WSDL Generation and WSDL mode does not work.

This is often due to you not having added the scripts folder found inside the wsfphp distribution to the php.ini's include path entry.

3. Compile WSF/PHP using source gives errors.

This could be due to two issues.

1. First you need to have installed the dev-libraries of PHP, Libxml2 and OpenSSL.

2. Incorrect configure options provided to the configure script.

          Often you do not need to provide any options to the configure script since it is written to work as

./configure, make , make install sequence.

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