Saturday, June 18, 2011

Great site with quality content


You’re a Good Little Slave!

If you knew with certainty that you would be dead exactly one year from today, would you continue to do the same things each day that you are doing right now?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Servant Leadership

Extract from Wikipedia.

10 characteristics that are central to the development of a servant leader

  • Listening: Traditionally, and also in servant leadership, managers are required to have communication skills as well as the competence to make decisions. A servant leader has the motivation to listen actively to his fellow men and supports them in decision identification. This applies particularly to pay attention to unspoken. This means relying on his inner voice and find out what the body, mind and spirit are communicating.[4]
  • Empathy: A servant leader attempts to understand and empathize with others. Workers may be considered not only as employees, but also as people who need respect and appreciation for their personal development. As a result, leadership is seen as a special type of human work, which ultimately generates a competitive advantage..[5]
  • Healing: A great strength of a Servant Leader is the ability for healing one’s self and others. A servant leader tries to help people solving their problems and conflicts in relationships, because he wants to develop the skills of each individual.[6] This leads to the formation of a business culture, in which the working environment is characterized by dynamic, fun and no fear from failure.[7]
  • Awareness: A servant leader needs to gain general awareness and especially self-awareness. He has the ability to view situations from a more integrated, holistic position. As a result, he gets a better understanding about ethics and values.
  • Persuasion: A Servant Leader does not take advantage of his power and his status by coercing compliance; he rather tries to convince them. This element distinguishes servant leadership most clearly from traditional, authoritarian models and can be traced back to the religious views of the inventor Robert Greenleaf.
  • Conceptualization: A servant leader thinks beyond day-to-day realities. That means he has the ability to see beyond the limits of the operating business and also focuses on long term operating goals.[8] A Leader constructs a personal vision that only he can develop by reflecting on the meaning of life. As a result, he derives specific goals and implementation strategies.[9]
  • Foresight: Foresight is the ability to foresee the likely outcome of a situation. It enables the servant leader to learn about the past and to achieve a better understanding about the current reality. It also enables to identify consequences about the future. This characteristic is closely related to conceptualization. In contrast to the other characteristics, which can be consciously developed, foresight is a characteristic which one may be born.
  • Stewardship: CEOs, staffs and trustees have the task to hold their institution in trust for the greater good of society. In conclusion, servant leadership is seen as an obligation to help and serve others. Openness and persuasion are more important than control.
  • Commitment to the growth of people: A servant leader is convinced that people have an intrinsic value beyond their contributions as workers. Therefore, he should nurture the personal, professional and spiritual growth of employees. For example he spends money for the personal and professional development of the people as well as having a personal interest in the ideas form everyone and involving workers in decisions. making.
  • Building community: A servant leader identifies means to build a strong community within his organization and wants to develop a true community among businesses and institutions.[10]

How to correct connection refused exception with port 1433 on MSSQL server

On the SQL Server network configuration manager, select protocols for SQL…. On the TCP/IP option, click and enable it if it is disabled. Note that Listen ALL option is disabled.


On the IP Address tab,


select the ip where you want to listen to port 1433 and make sure its enabled, with the TCP port configured to 1433 as shown in the image. That’s it.

How to migrate an MSSQL Server Database from one location to another

A database in MSSQL server is stored in two files, namely .ldf file and a .mdf file. In case of MSSQL Server 2008 , these files are by default located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA directory.

In order to move these files from one MSSQL server instance to another MSSQL instance, we need to copy these file from one location and paste at another location. For that, first we should detach the db. It can be done from the management studio using the following commands.

Assuming that the database name is mydb following sql query will detach the db from the server. 

use master
alter database mydb set single_user with rollback immediate
alter database mydb set restricted_user with rollback immediate
exec sp_detach_db mydb

Now the data file and log file can be copied without issue to the destination. Now in order to re attach the database, use the following command.

EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'mydb',     @filename1 = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\mydb.mdf',     @filename2 = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\mydb_log.ldf'